Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sheep, Best Friends, and Responses

There is nothing in this world like a best friend, especially one that started in your childhood and still remains as close today as you were in the 5th grade. My friend, Sadler, is that person to me. I wish I had a picture to show for every stage of life we have been through together but I can't put my finger on those today so I'll just share this one taken of us this weekend at Sadler's ladies' church retreat.

Not only did Sadler and I room together our freshman year of college, we stood as bridesmaids in each other's weddings, birthed children at the same years, having our girls first, boys second and we now are grandmothering 2 granddaughters of our daughters and a son to our sons together! All the other things we have done imbetween these years as friends would take me years to blog! But let me say that I could write a best seller if I chose to.

Sadler also has been the truest of friends to inspire me and spur me on to walk closer to God. I was blessed to be invited to attend this retreat (she was in charge of it after many hours of work this year put into it) titled "Living Above Your Circumstances" at The Legends in Prattville with Mary Glynn Peeples as the guest speaker. As we always do, Sadler and I enjoyed catching up together during that time and gleaming from God's word to both of us. Mary Glynn is the most down to earth speaker I have ever heard. Isaiah 53:6 was a key scripture used to point out how we are like sheep. Mrs. Peeples studied sheep for 12 years to learn why God chose that animal to describe what we are like. Some of the main nuggetts of gold I walked away with to reflect upon are:

"The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life DO NOT make me the way I am, but REVEAL the way I am."

We are all going to fall down. Disappointment is inevitable but discouragement IS A CHOICE when we do fall down.

Your response to disappointment is the way you will live the rest of your days. (You can be bitter...... or better...... in how you respond)

I want to live the rest of my days better!

1 comment:

jessica said...

Didn't you love her sheep talk?!?! Did she tell y'all the story about when she went to New Zealand and spoke and went over to a real sheep farm? That one is my favorite. I think she even wrote a book that has to do with all the sheep stories. If you read it let me know if i should add that to my list! Glad y'all had fun and can't wait to hear more!