Friday, January 28, 2011

What Knox knows this week

Most everyone that reads my blog knows Knox is now a big brother to a beautiful baby sister who is now 3 weeks old. This week, he does not know that he has a baby sister named Greer but he does know several things:
1. He knows he is in lollipop heaven!

2. He knows he can play the lollipop drum and his Lolli does some strange dance moves that makes him laugh.

3. He knows he can roam the front and back yard and make an adventure simply from the pile of leaves from so many trees.

4. He knows he must be related to the horses around the corner because they get all excited to see him and one of them has his same pretty hair color :)

5. He knows he is hot stuff with his Lolli!

6. He knows he gets to stay outside when the weather is fairly nice.

7. He knows he pretty much has Lolli wrapped around his little finger.

8. He knows the people inside Krogers Grocery Store are gonna beg to touch his hair and offer him any thing he wants to eat.

9. He knows The Cedarmont Kids Videos/DVDs backwards and forwards thanks to some rainey and cold days that were too bad to be outside in.

10. He knows Lolli has taken way too many pictures of him these past 5 days but he loves her anyway!

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

those faces

Oh those faces they make! I had fun, as usual, capturing them during our past weekend together.

First of all, let me note to you that I did not get an A+ on dressing the girls all matchy matchy this visit. It was a good thing for me to be a little more laid back and just enjoy their many expressions and interactions instead of having them all pristine and picture perfect. I'll be the first to tell you that I love seeing an adorable child all dressed up and coordinated with their sibling. But this time, I decided to let be and I made note to myself that this was what was important.
I mean, just look at those faces with cheetos hanging out their mouths..and their little body postures says a lot about our visit too (ha ha!) We were so happy to see the sun and NOT wear a jacket that we picnicked right on the front door step and just had the happiest little lunch. No one had to be told to sit still or stay on their chair :) and thier hair stayed out of their faces in those crazy uneven pigtails too.

There were so many faces made over this visit that I must share:

I may not have made an A+ in the dressing them so matchy matchy or fixing their hair just right but I think I made an A+ as far as they were concerned in the fun category!

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

a little bit of this and a little bit of that

Since it (the AU winning excitement) is fresh in our atmosphere I must post a few more pictures about the championship and then you Alabama fans can sigh a moment of relief that maybe I will go back to posting mostly about my grandchildren ....but after all this blog is about LOLLI's LOVES and I do love my AU football and basketball (and it looks like there will be no bragging rights on basketball this year for sure)!
a friend of ours saw us downtown the morning after and sent me her take on seeing us.
my friend, Peggy Plumb and I braved the frigid temperatures to go welcome the AU team back to Auburn at the Athletic Center and we were among many freezing students. I mean to tell yall it was some kind of cold here and we were dressing to keep warm, not to look cute for sure! I thank God we live in the South after that week of polar bear conditions :)

I had to ask several college kids to bunch up close to us just to keep warm (they were half dressed you know). After waiting an hour and a half, Peggy and I just could not take it when the tweeters told us it was going to be another hour and 1/2 before they arrived from being stuck in Montgomery that night. This was one time I praised technology for being able to alert two frozen old ladies (sorry Peggy!)to go on home and let the young folks do all the welcoming!

3 days after the championship, we welcomed these 4 little feet to celebrate with us for a few days.
don't you just love those feet touching one another? makes me smile every time I look at it :)

we made a little trip downtown to show the girls the toilet paper (the girls were thrilled to see both) and to eat at Chik-Fil-A and we saw something kind of cute that had never been there before.
zooming in so you can see the cash register area there! Yes folks, I could take a thousand pictures of the town, here, to show you how we celebrate.
Here is one more of a home in our neighborhood that I thought was really cute.

I'll be back with more of these cutie pies soon!

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

"cat got your tongue"

This upcoming week may be quite busy with pictures of orange and blue or a total bliss of toilet paper and then two very precious granddaughters coming to Auburn for a long weekend with Lolli and Pops or perhaps even some new ones of baby Greer and big brother Knox so I must hurry up and post these cat pictures before I forget.

The week before Christmas, my dear friend Martha, took me to a wonderful lunch in LaGrange to the Taste of Lemon (it was so good) and we browsed a few shops in the area there too. At one of the shops, this cat met us at the door and I was able to snap a few pictures with my cell phone of which I was pretty pleased once I saw them after downloading to my computer. It was one of the prettiest cats I have seen. Pure white between his tail and his head and very cooperative about getting his picture made.

That is all I got to say about that or you might say "cat got your tongue!"

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Greer is here!

Baby Greer was due January 28th this month but for the last 2 weeks, she had been making gestures that she might come a bit early but we did not expect it to be 3 weeks early. Of course I put off getting totally involved in my sewing til after Christmas and I regret that I did.

This past week I was stretched to get baby Greer's coming home daygown and bonnet totally finished and ready for when we would get a "we are in labor" call. I stayed up til midnight Jan 2,3,4 working on it, making sure I had all the machine sewing done and I am so glad I did. On Wednesday, January 5th, the only thing I had left to do was to hand sew the buttons on. We got the call at 12:30 pm while we were at a church luncheon for 80+ seniors on January 5th that Regan was in labor. We hightailed it home, packed our things, (including my needle, scissors, pins and buttons) and we were on our way down to Fairhope.

She was born at 6:01 p.m. and we arrived, after driving in blinding rain a short bit, just about 30 minutes after she made her entrance to this world. It was so very special to see her little precious face and body in person and to share in the moments with Lee and Regan and Knox and the Ware/Zimlich/Haygood family.
She was so content to be held and adored before her first bath too.
I don't need to tell you just how beautiful she is!
They are doing well at home now. I'll be sharing updated pictures as I can with you all.

Big brother (17 months old) was not so sure about her that night she was born. His little world is out of the norm right now but we have no doubt that he will adjust and be the best big brother yet!
he made a beeline for the door to the hallway on his second visit to the hospital as soon as he could -he knew there was lots of room to run out there :)

Regan's grandmother and I had a good time together the next day trying the bonnet on Greer. She was very cooperative in her sound little newborn sleep that day in the hospital but I hear she did not like it at all on her coming home day (sigh and sad Lolli - I must have a little talk with her real soon about how all very southern girl babies wear bonnets)

I'll be back soon with some new updated pictures. Lolli's loves are now up to 12! YES we have 12 grandchildren now!

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I am so blessed!