Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I had nothing to do on the first day of MARCH except bake a cake!

So, today, the very 1st day of MARCH in 2011, I had nothing I absolutely had to do except bake a cake to take to a luncheon tomorrow for 80+ seniors at our church. I was rather pleased to have a day like this, thinking I will catch up on some sewing, some music syncing, some dusting, and some phone calls and otherwise just sit on the porch and soak up the beautiful day reading and listening to my birds.

While I set out all my ingredients to bake a hummingbird cake, Jack and I decided to take our daily walk first. We went a little longer today walking around 4 miles just so we could view all the bursting bradford trees. It was eye candy for a tree lover like me! I did not take my camera knowing we would be taking a hike literally. Besides it is no fun to lug it around when you are walking for exercise purposes. But rest assured, I knew I would go back and record what I saw.

So, I came back from walking, and proceeded to bake my cake before lunchtime. And I thought while it is baking, I will download the pictures of the birds I saw yesterday and today and do a few other things. I soon learned it is NOT a good idea to multitask while baking a cake.
The phone rang, I was summonned outside for my advice on one of our outdoor projects and wham, it was lunch time. I had to hurry up and get that cake in the now 30 minute preheated oven! So I rushed the cake mixing and got our sandwiches ready and headed to eat on the porch.

I was quite satisfied with my accomplishments thus far in my day but then as I was bringing our plates inside from the porch, I spotted 3 eggs sitting on the counter! OOPS. Mercy me, I left the eggs out of my cake and it had been baking for about 20 minutes at that point. I was not a happy girl and my ever loving husband had to remind me that I really need to quit trying to master this multitasking stuff!

Well, I am here to tell ya, that the cake is really pretty good, even without the 3 eggs it is supposed to have. Of course, the jury is still out until after tomorrow's luncheon. I am not telling any of those folks until after the fact!

This colorful fella hangs out around our home all the time. I don't always get to take his picture or his cousin's because they are rather quick at their flight but since I was at the computer today downloading pictures ...and you already know I got a little distracted while I was baking that cake!

I know you will find this hard to believe but I took every one of the following bluebird pictures from inside my office window! I was in bluebird heaven!
It was as if they were posing for me and agreeing that Spring is a welcomed thing right now!
Mister Blue here is eyeballing his new home in our yard.
He and I had a very quick agreement on the rent. "Cheap, cheap", I said, "Chirp, chirp", he said!

and from what I can tell, this here is Mama bluebird and she lets DaddyBird make all the arrangements while keeping tabs on us with that little pooch in her belly :)

and with all that said and my eggless cake tasting very good, I MARCHed myself right outside and took more pictures for pure pleasure.

I hope you also received the pleasure I did from welcoming a new Spring and the month of MARCH.

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I still am notfully convinced I can't master the multitasking thing :)


Unknown said...

Hooray for you! Your cake "mishap" was actually a science project success! Come on now, I know you left those eggs out as an economical move, right?
Ha! Glad it turned out so well!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are blogging about your experience. Just tonight I discovered just as you did that I left the eggs out of my cake. Phone call did me in, just as you. The cake looked good, it's a fresh pear/pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting. I got online to see what the outcome might be, and saw your blog. Glad you've tested yours, maybe mine's not a total loss. I baked it for a retreat this weekend. Thanks for sharing your story. I hope mine does.