Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our Porch

As I approach the turn of another year of my life, there are so many things I could post about, boast about (grandchildren only), and roast about! Over the next few days I will try to do some of all that.

I read something recently on Beth Moore's blog where she ended her post saying " oh may our porches be beside one another in Heaven!" That is how I feel about you who read this (those whom I know personally). And if you know how much both Jack and I love our porch here on earth you can visualize that even more so! We just about think we have a small taste of heaven on earth on our porch in the trees here. The past few days with such a nice breeze blowing from the approaching storm and no hot sun have glued me to my porch. It feels like sitting on a beach with a pleasant breeze except I am surrounded by lush green trees swaying and watching various birds, a rabbit hopping about, a few chipmunks dashing in and out of places and numerous squirrely friends. It is even better when it is a tad bit rainy too because there is no action on the golf course and all we can behold is nature within our view. Nothing but songs of the birds is what we hear on days like this with small pitter patter of the rain.

Yesterday my dear best childhood friend Sadler came up to celebrate my 50 + years with me and while we sat on the porch she commented how times like that are just plain worship! She reminded me that even times when we are cooking, listening to music in the car, or anything that causes you to BE with God IS worship! What a refreshing thought! I absolutely LOVE being with God on my porch!

In conclusion I do pray YOUR porch, whomever I know that is reading this, will be next to mine in Heaven. But until that day when He calls us home you are always welcome to come and visit with me on my porch that is almost heaven!

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1 comment:

Marcia said...

I love spending time on your porch talking and laughing with you my good fiend.