Friday, September 18, 2009

Raining Cats and Dogs

As most of you southerners know it has been raining cats and dogs around here..literally!

As Lily Kate and I attempted to take a morning walk during the short dry spells, we were delighted to have a few new friends join us.

we walked upon a barking dog (behind invisable fence)and thus results the serious looks from the feline and her friend :)
Well, since we were having a day of animals getting wet we decided to go see some really wet pets at the library.
Of course we had to make a quick trot around the corner to view some of our horse friends. LK was so excited but the ground was too soggy to let her loose.

our next morning walk brought on a game of chase and a few new faces

We had a great time the last 2 days with all the rain and the animals. At least we didn't see any snakes or dead deer in the neighborhood :) :) :)

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