Sunday, September 12, 2010

collections of sort

I have a few collections of sort: children's bandaids, photos of my loved ones galore, angels here and there, pretty bird things, my mother's needlepoint, lollipop things of course, and of late and of no sentimental or monetary value is my plastic bottlecap collection!

and this is the goal I have to use them as a craft project with all the grandchildren during next summer's visits. We also will be making other fun shapes with all the bottlecaps. I have a 2 ½ gallon ziploc bag already of hundreds of caps but will needs lots more for my vision of this activity we will share.
This of course is a scanned picture so try to imagine this being lifesize. I hope to use our finished projects as decorations for our 2011 Luau :)

My thanks to those of you who are saving them for me!

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Amy said...

I like your hair!

jessica said...

LOVE the new do! Tell James he did good! Cute cute!