Monday, October 12, 2009

Unexpected Visitors

Last week I had a lesson in being flexible. I had visits planned with 4 very special people for the week and had to change plans with all of them at the last minute. My daughter got sick with the flu and my son in law had been sick the weekend before and they needed my help. My planned visits got canceled (thank you Regan, Knox, Marcia, and Suzanne for your understanding) and my 4 very special visitors became 2 very special unexpected vistors who arrived with great excitement.
Annie understood the meaning of being sick and told everyone we saw that her mommy was sick
this one did not have a clue, she just thought it was time to get spoiled again for a few days :)

and that she did!

Annie enjoyed seeing Bella the cat at the neighbors

the girls really enjoyed the other neighbor's trampoline. I do not know what I would do for outdoor entertainment if it wasn't for all my neighbors around here :)

my deer neighbor Mrs SuMe was out of town while we enjoyed her slide/playhouse :)

my sweet friend, Marjorie is always "tickled" pink to see my grandchildren as they are her too!
her dog, Tia, turns flips for them and was very affectionate with them

Marjorie and I had to laugh and cherish Annie putting on my friend's porch shoes and making herself at home at Marjorie's house :) Annie gave her a kiss for extra measure too!
She is growing up so much so fast so soon so precious :) (Kitty, all the grands love my frog I got in San Antonio with you, years ago. he lives on the porch and they all want to make him "ribbett")
I had to be reminded often that she can do it herself now!

Lily Kate wants to do as she does too! I wonder if I was the same way with my big sister at that age!

We made a fun trip to the little park in town.

Lily Kate is getting into the dress up stage and loved sporting the princess jewelry and crown

while Annie preferred to mother the baby doll and stroll her outside awhile.
keeping the kids at 2 different ages is fun and unpredictable!

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