Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm lucky enough

Miriam and I go way way back...from our early childhood to back yards next to each other, to playing kick the can endless hours outside, to riding bikes all over Montgomery, to daddys being doctors, to having same age older siblings, to mothers playing bridge together, to church together, to school days together all the way through high school, to setting up blind dates, through rooming together one summer during my college internship, to standing beside each other in weddings, to celebrating our babies births, to making it a point to get together through out our busy parenting years, and now to relaxing together wherever and whenever we can!

how in the world could I be so lucky (really should be so blessed)?!

We drove around through some beautiful lake homes on the Ridge area but the trees stood out to me more than the multi million dollar homes :)
and the water stood so still with no boats or speedoos zooming around :)
and sweet Lucy stayed by our sides while we swung our legs from the edge of the dock and talked about days gone by
and both Lucy and cute little Spencer took care of "my dog fix" and provided the fun entertainment and affection that only dogs can do sometimes
it was the perfect time of the year to walk and explore Miriam's lake neighborhood

Thank you Miriam for such a wonderful treat of being with you. May we always have these times together!

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1 comment:

Marcia said...

You are blessed, and you are truly a blessing to others.