Oh yes, I am positively certain that this little guy is gonna be a future athlete. He is hiking that arm back and throwing at 90 miles per hour...

he is consistently repetitive in his aim and does not quit when he misses where ever he is throwing to...

he is a determined individual who will run and run and run til he is plumb exhausted...he is slam dunking at 18 months old..he is enjoying all sports and able to stay focused when the crowd cheers him on...

but seriously, the kid has a knack at grabbing a ball and making it do something and I'm not just your average grandmother bragging here, am I!

because even if he wants to juggle in a circus, I will be cheering him on like I did when he picked up the CARROT bat and swung the ball like a pro (side note: my friends all called me "carrot" in junior and senior high school and I'll make bets that Knox gets nicknamed that by his friends too)

when we took this ball boy to the park after he slid up and down the slides 100 times, he wanted to focus on throwing the ball at the fence post and I am not kidding when I say he was consistently repetitive aiming to hit the post each time. Pops and I were as entertained watching his determination as we would have been at the Auburn basketball games!

Can you see what determination I am talking about on his face while feeding the ducks? He was not going to be satisfied throwing our crackers between the slats, he wanted to go up and over the rail with his pitch of the cracker and he did it many times.

So WATCH OUT PEOPLE (at least that is what I had to tell my friends at the assisted living when he threw his ball in their rooms)! Foxie Knoxie is on his way to the big lights wherever that may be :)

and I'll be the proud grandmother on the front row...

...passing out lollipops :) of course, and blowing a few kisses to this love of mine!
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