I got so carried away watching AU basketball ALMOST beat Georgia on tv this afternoon that I left off 2 things I wanted to add about believing in Auburn and loving it. Bear with me you Alabama fans, because you just need to know that football is not our whole world here, even though THIS year it appeared that way. (Auburn Championship team and U of A's SGA President singing the fight song at our AU/ALA basketball game this year =a tradition that the losing team's SGA Pres has to sing it solo in front of the winning team and fans)

Our Tiger Paws have been doing a really good job at half times at the games but at our big rivalry game in basketball against Alabama, they had an exceptional performance. I especially liked their outfits at this game, not too revealing and age appropriate for all ages with the dance moves they did. Even though I believe in Auburn and love it, sometimes, I think the Tiger Paws forget just how many young folks are easily influenced by their appearance and their dance. This game they did not disappoint.

Like I said, Auburn has so much to offer in entertainment as well as education and community events, that we are never at a lack for something to do here.
We have recently discovered that many of the plays at the Telfair Peet Theatre are wonderful. Several months ago, they had a display of "map art" to view before the play that was open to the public. We found it so interesting and each map and time-line had unique trinkets as the main portions of the map.

This artist took famous quotes as well as bits of history and created maps out of them. (I can totally see one of "my grandchildren" using this idea for a book report at school.)

and if you go to the Telfair Peet Theatre on an opening night, you are royally treated to a dinner reception that has pretty food like this! I think this is one of the prettiest taco salads I have ever seen! On that note, I think we will have taco salad for dinner tonight! Talk to yall later, gotta go brown some ground beef and shred some lettuce and cheddar cheese.
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