Thursday, July 23, 2009

Airplane Day

Being a themeattic person, I named this day for the boys "Airplane day". Believe me, if I could have taken them up in a real one, I would have, but I did manage a personal tour to the AU airport and it ended up being a big hit. The boys got to sit in an AU piper jet, flap the wings, and turn all sorts of pilot buttons as well as going in a private Cessna jet (9 seater) and seeing the Au cessna jet in the hanger. We watched some jets coming in and going out. This day was real cloudy but that ended up being in our favor. It was rather pleasant standing out there under threatning clouds as opposed to 95°. It never rained :) and a good time was had by all.

The pilot of this jet said to Corey, "Do you know where you are sitting?" Corey said, "I am on the last seat", the pilot said" you are sitting on the potty!" Chad said "let me sit there then"!!!!!!!
Boys will be boys...........

of course we had to come home and make paper airplanes (thanks Sadler, for giving me this book last year -she knows my theme crazy personality pretty well)

Playing outside a while with their airplane guns (prizes for winning and losing mexican dominoes) called for some swimming time.

These boys were so delighted to find the pool with no one in it... especially since I let them throw their footballs and boomerang darts from shallow end to the restroom repeatedly. Man, they slept good that night!

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Oh yeah... you mexican dominoe players will be happy to know that Corey beat me and Chad big time!

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