Friday, July 24, 2009

Neighborly Waterly Fight

My dear neighbor, Susan's, grandkids were visiting also this week and all our girls hit it off together. Susan is a big beanie baby collector and invited Lauren and Sydney over to see her collection as well as offer them several minature ones to take home. They loved that. Later, Lauren came up with the idea to challenge them to a water fight outside one night and they accepted the challenge! What an exciting time we had! Creative Lauren also decided "Team Lolli" would wear masks (Lolli included) and the girls made them out of my old scrap material. And since we had leftover cake icing, the girls thought it would be even better to smear them with the icing (outside of course) at the end of the water fight.
There were so many squeals and laughing galore outside this night. Mercy! what fun they had together and I saw some mighty competitive little spirits come out of the girls too! The icing smearing was too funny and hosing them off was the best part of all!

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At the end the girls did get Susan and I kind of wet (we made them promise not to get us while we had our cameras). Concluding the evening on the deck with eatting one of our animal cakes we made with the all the girls was a perfect ending to our "animal day".

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