Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things we learned

When having the grandchildren at your home, one learns all sorts of things you would not learn otherwise. We learned the boys LOVE ice cream, one loads his up with sprinkles and gum drops, one likes his plain, and they both could eat it 24/7!

See those place mats I have had for years>>> we have lots of discussions over those. Chad even found CHAD the country in Africa and SANDWICH ISLAND one day while eatting his sandwich at lunch:)

I learned that Corey likes to make fun things to eat too. He made "puppy chow" (some call it monkey munch too) all by himself! Chad chose to watch:)
I loved learning that Chad likes Michael W. Smith music (I do too) and he would have nothing else for his trip treat than a new CD by Michael W. Smith (we listened to it every time we got in the car) and Corey would have nothing else than a new wrestling belt (his latest phase).

Of course we had to do a traditional golf ball hunt with these guys too. I lost count who got the most but you can bet it was a competition:)

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